Nordik Folk

We are a Scandinavian Culture Club who meets Monthly September-May on the 3rd Monday of each month at Westminster Presbyterian Church, 8955 Columbia Ave., Munster, IN. 6:30 pm. All are welcome! We enjoy Scandinavian culture by celebrating the holidays, music, language, crafts and history of Scandinavia!

Sunday, March 3, 2013

Minutes of the Meeting for February 18, 2013

Vasa Order of America
Nordik Folk No. 761
Minutes of the Meeting
February 18, 2013

Members Present:  Linnea Ogrentz, Lynda Smith, Annalisa Blue, Herb Smith, Steve Westlund, Shelly Westlund, Mike Pearson Sr., Mike Pearson Jr., Beth Raddatz, Fred Raddatz, Lisa Pearson, Les Lesko, Indrid Lesko, and Tonia Tomky.

  1. The Meeting was called to order at 7:00 pm.  The Chaplain’s Message was read by Shelly Westlund in the absence of Chaplain Janice Tomky.
  2. The Minutes of the January meeting were accepted as read.  Motion to accept Shelly Westlund/seconded by Lynda Smith.  All were in favor.
  3. Financial Report:  
A.  Expenses $771.75 per capita tax
$70.00  church donation
$17.09  printer ink
    Income $441.00 Fest
$55.00   Pins
$175.00 Dues
   Scholarship Fund $120.00 50/50 & DVD sales

         Main Total $4692.64
   Scholarship Fund   $1427.42
  1. Committee Reports:  None
  2. Unfinished Business:  Delegate selection (Annual Business)
  3. Correspondence:  
     A.  Convention letter requesting ads. (new business)
           B.  Letter from the Grand Lodge
                regarding the OAB Fund (read aloud).
C.  Vasa Park $25 membership renewal letter (new business).

  1. Planning for future events
A.  Installation “smorgasbord”
    1.  Set up at Noon , 1 pm start
    2.  Drinks:  coffee, pop
                3.  Sign up to bring a dish
B.  Swedish Pancake/Pea Soup fundraiser:  It was discussed and decided to hold off
                 until we have a better location.  Fall would be better.  Discussion tabled until August
C.  Viking lecture series:  Tuesday, March 5, 2013
D.  Genealogy:  Monday, March 11, 2013
   VIII.  New Business
   A.  Convention Ad:  Herb Smith made a motion that we buy a $50 ½
                page Ad.  Steve Westlund seconded.  All were in favor.  Linnea Ogrentz will create
                and send in the Ad.  It will have officer’s names and a congratulations to Brahe Lodge
    for 100 years.
B.  Regalia?  Lynda Smith will bring to the Installation to be passed on to the newly
    elected Master of Ceremonies (Fred Raddatz)..
C.  Lynda Smith motioned to renew our Vasa Park Membership for $25.  Annelise Nelson
     seconded the motion.  All were in favor.
D.  Temporary time change for meetings.  We’ll be getting started promptly at 6:30 and
doing our Cultural presentations at the end of the meeting while Chairman Mike Pearson
Jr. has class at 8 pm.
IX.   Annual Business:  Delegates to the District Convention
       A.  Nordik Folk:
1.  Michael Pearson Jr.
2.  Katie Westlund
3.  Ingrid Lesko

     B.  Nordikids
1.  Emily Pearson

    C.  Alternates
1.  Shelly Westlund
2.  Linnea Ogrentz
  X.  Good of the Order:  Cultural Display is under way by Cultural leader Annelise Nelson with the help of Phyllis Kalajian and the older Nordikids.  Samples of Princess Cake.

XI.  Closing 7:50.  Our next meeting will be March 18th, 2013.

XII.  Cultural Program:  Annelise Nelson presented “Sports and Health in Sweden.”  She talked about the professional sports in Sweden including football (soccer), ice hockey, bandy (the fastest team sport in the world), Athletics (steeplechase, high jump, javelin, hurdles).  Other popular sports in Sweden include orienteering, gymnastics, swimming, martial arts, riding sports, ice hockey, handball, rugby union, skiing, track and field.  Sweden also is successful in tennis, boxing, motorsports, cycling,  and basketball.

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