Nordik Folk

We are a Scandinavian Culture Club who meets Monthly September-May on the 3rd Monday of each month at Westminster Presbyterian Church, 8955 Columbia Ave., Munster, IN. 6:30 pm. All are welcome! We enjoy Scandinavian culture by celebrating the holidays, music, language, crafts and history of Scandinavia!

Monday, January 21, 2013

Business Meeting Agenda January 21st

Vasa Order of America
Nordik Folk Lodge No. 761
Business Meeting
January 21, 2013

I.                    Opening:  Chaplain’s Message
II.                  Membership Applications?
III.                Minutes of the November 19, 2012 Business Meeting
IV.                Financial Report:  Treasurer, Beth Raddatz
V.                  Committee Reports
A.      Youth
B.      Sunsine
C.      Media: 
1.       Valthornet news deadline for April issue is  March 15th
2.      Vasa Star news deadline for Spring Issue is April 1st
3.      Local Papers accept any news any time…pictures w/captions encouraged.
D.     Membership
VI.                Unfinished Business
A.       Recipes for District Convention:  Email to Annalise Nelson
B.      Scholarship Forms due February 28, 2013
VII.              Correspondence
VIII.            Planning for Future Events
A.      Installation Smorgasbord is planned for Sunday, February24th at Westminster Presbyterian Church in Munster.  See Smorgasbord sign-up sheet.
B.       Swedish Pancake Fundraiser?  Discussion
IX.                New Business
A.      Donations to Ridge United Methodist Church:  $50?  Motion/second?
B.      ?
X.                  Annual Business:  ELECTIONS
XI.                Good of the Order
XII.              Closing


Linnea said...

Comment check.

Unknown said...

Good jog Linnea.....I look forward to many more posts from you and all our lodge friends. :-)

Unknown said...

JOB...not job, though you probably do that too! lol

This works! so happy.
Tusen Tack