Nordik Folk

We are a Scandinavian Culture Club who meets Monthly September-May on the 3rd Monday of each month at Westminster Presbyterian Church, 8955 Columbia Ave., Munster, IN. 6:30 pm. All are welcome! We enjoy Scandinavian culture by celebrating the holidays, music, language, crafts and history of Scandinavia!

Thursday, March 2, 2017

February Nordik Folk Minutes of the Meeting

Vasa Order of America
Nordik folk No. 761
February 20, 2017
Minutes of the Meeting

13.  Opening: In the absence of Chairman Tim Ogrentz, Vice Chairman Herb Smith opened the meeting at 7:05 pm. The Chaplain’s Message was read by Elizabeth Allen-Flores.

14.  Attendance: Linnea Ogrentz, Herb Smith, Shelly Westlund, Mike Pearson Sr., Lynn Moline-Buwalda, Janice Tomky, Tonia Tomky, Ingrid Lesko, Elizabeth Allen-Flores, Ron Allen, Karin Schaffer, Sofia Nelson, Annelise Gingold-Nelson, Shana Chelich, Jean Ogrentz, Jean Oak, Beth Raddatz, Fred Raddatz, Shelly Pehlgrim, Lynda Smith, Phyllis Kalajian, Lisa Raddatz, Lisa Pearson, District Deputy Susan Nilsson. Guests: Kristen Lindemulder, Roberta Rich and Donald Rich.

15.  Membership Applications: None

16. Minutes: The Minutes of the January 16th meeting were accepted as read.

17. Financial Reports:
·         Financial Secretary Jean Ogrentz: No report
·         Treasurer: Beth Raddatz
o   Main Account:
Ø  Per Capita Tax              1224.25
Ø  Church Donation            100.00
Ø  VASA CEF                    820.00
Ø  Nordikcreations                84.00
Ø  Glogg                              110.00
Ø  Fest sales                           12.00
Balance:                                   5091.69

o   Camp Scholarship:                      1868.42

18.  Committee Reports:
·         Youth: District Deputy Susan Nilsson reported that there are scholarships for Sjolunden through the American Daughters of Sweden.  The deadline is march 11th.
·         Culture: Cultural Leader Lynda Smith reported that the treat & Culture Program is almost filled up.
·         Sunshine: It was reported that Nordikids pianist Valerie Cook underwent surgery recently.  
·         Nordik Faire: There will be an organizational meeting Monday, February 27th.

19.  Unfinished Business: District Convention Delegates
·         Katie Westlund (new?)
·         Carolyn Kuzminski (new)
·         Ron Allen (new)
·         Elizabeth Allen (new)
·         Mike Pearson Sr. (Nordikids)
·         Alternate: Barbara Hannigan

20. Correspondence:
·         Letter from Susan Cleveland, PDM regarding nominations for District Executive Board positions.  The letter and list of position was passed around. 
·         Letter from District Historian, Mariann Ekstrand calling for Historian Report due March 15th.  Our Lodge Historian is Michelle Westlund. The forms were given to her.

21. Planning for Future Events:
·         Susan Nillson reported a possible trip being organized by Bessemer No. 203 to the Swedish Museum in Andersonville for breakfast with Pippi. She will keep us informed
·         Lynda Smith reported a possible trip to Norway, IL in June.
·         Kubb will start up on Sundays in April at Wicker Park in Highland, IN.
·         March 7th  6 pm: 1st Tuesday genealogy at the Munster Library- “Free Sources”
·         2nd Monday Genealogy:

22.  New Business: Discussion of by-laws to be presented to the District in May. They will be distributed by the March meeting during which time we can discuss them and decide how our delegates should vote as they represent us.

23. Annual Business: Installation of Officers

24. Good of the Order
·         Thank you to Susan Nilsson for coming and officiating our Installation.
·         Herb smith: thanks to all who came out to the Munster Library for the Genealogy group.
·         Shelly Westlund: Asked for prayers for Katie as she enters a final round of interviews for a job.
·         Susan: Greeting from Britt and Bruno Nilsson
·         Ingrid Lesko: Reported having attended the Siljan-Mora-Tuna Installation and thanked everyone for their support after the death of her mother.

25.  Closing: Vice Chairman Herb Smith closed the meeting at 8 pm. The next meeting will be on March 20th.  Culture Program will be presented by Shelly Westlund and snacks will be provided by Linnea Ogrentz.

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